Yesterday was my last Power Hour class- something I have taught, loved and needed for the last 6 years every MWF. Our last class together gathered 137 people...these people that I so adore and admire... I had them hold a plank at the end of class while I gave the speech below. I've been an emotional blubber all week- but somehow I held it together..somehow... The total time was 5 minutes and 52 seconds and... of course... they did it. Yesterday, the love, the fun, the words, the everything will be one of my life's most treasured souvenirs.
The speech:
PLANK you for being here- its all that ever mattered.
However you got here, whenever you got here- you brought something to every hour.
We had an unspoken agreement, I’d show up for you and you would show up for me… hour after hour… year after year. Long nights up drinking or unprepared mornings of chaos- we got through it all after we swung by this field.
They say that “how we spend our days, is how we spend our lives”- spending time with you all has been one of the best parts of my park city life... so PLANK you for that.
With these 6 years- I’ve crafted 6 take aways that I wanted to share to sum up what all of this has meant to me and what you've helped me to learn even more.
#1. CHALLENGE YOURSELF- Its so why we are all here- for sure. You gave such an amazing effort. Every. Time. And the by-product has been that our kids — THESE ADORABLE KIDS have been able to witness fitness on a frequent basis. Watching them watch you was one of my favorite joys. Keep fostering that- they don’t need to be super athletes to be active. This field is full of all ability levels and I LOVE that. We are an equal opportunity field..we’ve had olympic athletes, celebrities, local personalities and MOMS shoulder to shoulder - side by side all the time. And you know what.... it never mattered. Everyone just jammed. Keep mixing it up, sign up for something, invest in you. Set goals-give yourself the chance to see what you are made of!
#2. DEVELOP RELATIONSHIPS- So many social circles are represented here, but this whole crew “gets it” when it comes to work and comes to hustling. Everyone steps on this field with a story. Everyone. Many of you, I saw you arrive with babies in strollers, only to attend their 5th birthday parties. I’ve watched these kids run around this field with new haircuts, new bandaids, new interests…making new friends. Maybe kids and parents I wouldn’t know otherwise…. congregated on this field and the FREQUENCY of seeing you amazing people has been the best part. They say POWER is not so much about how much money you have, or what you do … but how many people you have willing to help you….think about it...that’s power.
And look around- look at how many people here would help you- that’s POWERFUL and at the end of the day- we’re all just moms trying to matter. So foster that, focus on that, make developing relationships a priority.
#3. SEEK THE COMPANY OF PEOPLE THAT ELEVATE YOU- You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with- assess your time investments, choose wisely. Its spending time with those that push you, challenge you, encourage you, dare with you, dream, brainstorm with you and root for you that help you to become the best version of you.
#4. LET PEOPLE HELP YOU- Nobody can do it all. I can’t. Take my mother in law Donna- for years she’d just watch my kids and sometimes yours, just to make sure we could do our thing... & just this week I let my friends just help me with all this CHANGE and you know what- it was kinda awesome. I rarely let people help- but I think I will more & I will love returning the favor of their time and energy.
#5. JUST TRY-that’s why we are all here- I had an idea and I just tried. I didn't have all the certifications back then, I didn't have a huge game plan- I just wanted to try- and to keep at it. It took years for this class to grow to the size that it is now- I just kept trying and I never gave up, because I TRULY believed in it. So there may be no guarantess no safety net— but just give something a TRY— loosen up- smile, laugh about it- don't take anything too seriously…. the other side of risking, nervous, gutsy feelings is where the good stuff is. Take a chance… GAMBLE….WHAT’s THE BEST THAT COULD HAPPEN?
#6. TELL PEOPLE HOW YOU FEEL- look at this day! We sometimes save the best words/thoughts for when people are gone?? But not today. I am TELLING you I LOVE you- I'VE DEPENDED on you. I'VE NEEDED you, I ADMIRE you- I think you are STRONG, POWERFUL and unbelievably conditioned. :) This has been such a JOY to be a part of your week every week and I will MISS this.. MISS you... MISS these MOMENTS.....So tell people now, let them know they have made a difference in your world today. Make that your thing... starting today.
However you got here, whenever you got here- you brought something to every hour.
We had an unspoken agreement, I’d show up for you and you would show up for me… hour after hour… year after year. Long nights up drinking or unprepared mornings of chaos- we got through it all after we swung by this field.
They say that “how we spend our days, is how we spend our lives”- spending time with you all has been one of the best parts of my park city life... so PLANK you for that.
With these 6 years- I’ve crafted 6 take aways that I wanted to share to sum up what all of this has meant to me and what you've helped me to learn even more.
#1. CHALLENGE YOURSELF- Its so why we are all here- for sure. You gave such an amazing effort. Every. Time. And the by-product has been that our kids — THESE ADORABLE KIDS have been able to witness fitness on a frequent basis. Watching them watch you was one of my favorite joys. Keep fostering that- they don’t need to be super athletes to be active. This field is full of all ability levels and I LOVE that. We are an equal opportunity field..we’ve had olympic athletes, celebrities, local personalities and MOMS shoulder to shoulder - side by side all the time. And you know what.... it never mattered. Everyone just jammed. Keep mixing it up, sign up for something, invest in you. Set goals-give yourself the chance to see what you are made of!
#2. DEVELOP RELATIONSHIPS- So many social circles are represented here, but this whole crew “gets it” when it comes to work and comes to hustling. Everyone steps on this field with a story. Everyone. Many of you, I saw you arrive with babies in strollers, only to attend their 5th birthday parties. I’ve watched these kids run around this field with new haircuts, new bandaids, new interests…making new friends. Maybe kids and parents I wouldn’t know otherwise…. congregated on this field and the FREQUENCY of seeing you amazing people has been the best part. They say POWER is not so much about how much money you have, or what you do … but how many people you have willing to help you….think about it...that’s power.
And look around- look at how many people here would help you- that’s POWERFUL and at the end of the day- we’re all just moms trying to matter. So foster that, focus on that, make developing relationships a priority.
#3. SEEK THE COMPANY OF PEOPLE THAT ELEVATE YOU- You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with- assess your time investments, choose wisely. Its spending time with those that push you, challenge you, encourage you, dare with you, dream, brainstorm with you and root for you that help you to become the best version of you.
#4. LET PEOPLE HELP YOU- Nobody can do it all. I can’t. Take my mother in law Donna- for years she’d just watch my kids and sometimes yours, just to make sure we could do our thing... & just this week I let my friends just help me with all this CHANGE and you know what- it was kinda awesome. I rarely let people help- but I think I will more & I will love returning the favor of their time and energy.
#5. JUST TRY-that’s why we are all here- I had an idea and I just tried. I didn't have all the certifications back then, I didn't have a huge game plan- I just wanted to try- and to keep at it. It took years for this class to grow to the size that it is now- I just kept trying and I never gave up, because I TRULY believed in it. So there may be no guarantess no safety net— but just give something a TRY— loosen up- smile, laugh about it- don't take anything too seriously…. the other side of risking, nervous, gutsy feelings is where the good stuff is. Take a chance… GAMBLE….WHAT’s THE BEST THAT COULD HAPPEN?
#6. TELL PEOPLE HOW YOU FEEL- look at this day! We sometimes save the best words/thoughts for when people are gone?? But not today. I am TELLING you I LOVE you- I'VE DEPENDED on you. I'VE NEEDED you, I ADMIRE you- I think you are STRONG, POWERFUL and unbelievably conditioned. :) This has been such a JOY to be a part of your week every week and I will MISS this.. MISS you... MISS these MOMENTS.....So tell people now, let them know they have made a difference in your world today. Make that your thing... starting today.
PLANK you for elevating each other. You have made those around you BETTER...on all fronts.
This view and this backdrop was pretty incredible- but MY view was the BEST view…
I love you power hour family.