Hi BeauCo!
We left Park City on Friday to head south for a few days and while none of this was the plan, as we all know, its a special kind of time.
This opportunity reminds me that comfort really is king right now.
Wherever you find it, however you provide it.
To "stay safe" these days means many different things to us all- to protect ourselves, we seek out different kinds of figurative shelter. For some its data, for some its the living room, for some its being in nature, for some its friend's insights and new updates, and for others its blissful to just not be in the know.
One of my favorite parts of this experience has been the access into people's hometowns and watching so many unique things. Even celebrities, musicians and famous figures, I have loved this incredible access to their living rooms or kitchens. I've watched concerts from my couch and loved every minute. I wish you could all see what we see when we start the workouts on Zoom. All the people and the faces in their places-it makes us so happy, and while its not the same, it is how we are able to safely finish this session.
I often say we are all in the SAME BOAT, but its not exactly like that right now. Instead, we are kinda like a bunch of teeny tiny boats floating around in the same waters and are withstanding both the calm currents and choppy waves everyday. At the least, we drift in different directions... and at most, we can tether our little boats to other little boats. We can't climb on board, but we can enthusiastically chat from afar about the changing tides. Its surreal, but cool at the same time because we get to see things in ways we wouldn't before. We can see what helps us to stay afloat and what weighs us down, some of us didn't realize the difference. Our first mates & crew now have new responsibilities and expectations so we don't sink and we know that we're all waiting for a rising tide. (sidenote-- WHAT would your boat name be? One friend submitted....the SS #SHITSHOW) :)
We are buoyant and steady most days, and when we see a bright light of a safe harbor, we know it. It can turn our state of mind, or our day around. I am drawn to environments, conversations and places that help uplift spirits and help me feel like I have a good view of the horizon.
Moms, you deserve special recognition right now. You are as ESSENTIAL as it comes. You are some of my best friends and soul mates and I am so proud and inspired by how you've taken the wheel. I am with you- so many are with you. We have captained our crews and adjusted our sails. Some days we send out an SOS and somedays we just take in the beauty at the end of the day with a drink in our hand. COLLECTIVELY we don't know what we are doing, only that we will continue to do it as best we can. We have become skilled sailors of these ships on a sea that keeps changing.
They say that salt water is the cure for anything.
Sweat, Tears & the Sea.
All moms and all boats out there , here we GEAU.... we are navigating the same surreal sea, identifying our safe harbors out there, always at the ready to SWEAT and ready to up level the tears from sadness- to joy and love.
We will see you soon screenside and here's to holding on to hope until we can hold onto each other.
Happy Mother's Day
love you,